1and1.com Domain Instructions

Purchased a domain with 1and1? Point it to FolioHD with these instructions.

  1. Click Manage Domains, then click the domain you wish to configure.

  2. Click the domain you wish to connect to FolioHD (so it expands, then click Edit Domain Settings.

  3. Under Basic Settings, find Destination and click Edit. Match the settings below:

    Destination: Redirect
    Redirect Settings > Redirection destination: http://www.yoursite.com (be sure to include the http:// and www)

    Click Save.

  4. Expand Subdomain Overview. If no subdomain exists for “www”, click Create Subdomain. (Otherwise, you’ll need to edit the existing www subdomain.)

    Create subdomain: www

  5. Click Create Subdomain

    After saving your subdomain, it should take you back to your domain.

  6. On your domain name, click Manage Subdomains.

  7. Find your newly created subdomain and click the name, or the down arrow, to expand the section, then click Edit DNS Settings.

    Scroll down to A/AAAA and CNAME Records and choose CNAME.

  8. Enter the following for Alias: hosting.foliohd.com

    In the end, it should look like this:

  9. Click Save, then Confirm you want to modify the DNS Settings.

  10. You can now finish the setup on FolioHD. Follow these instructions to finish your domain’s setup on FolioHD.


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