Nested Galleries/Subgalleries

Nested galleries allows multiple galleries to be nested inside a main folder.

Nested galleries allows multiple galleries to be nested inside a main folder. This is useful if you have different types of work like “Sports Photography” where you want to have folders for “Baseball”, “Football” and more.

Enable Nested Galleries

  1. To enable nested galleries for a gallery, click edit gallery details.
  2. Click Enable Nested Galleries, then click Save Info.

You will now see your images in a single subgallery.

Manage Nested Galleries

  • Click and drag and image from the first subgallery to move it into another subgallery.
  • Create a new subgallery by clicking New Subgallery. It will be added at the top of your existing subgalleries.
  • Subgalleries can be re-ordered by dragging them up or down.
  • By default, the first image added to a new subgallery will become the thumbnail. Replace it by clicking once on an image, then choose Set as Subgallery Cover Image.
  • Set the parent folder thumbnail by clicking the image, then choosing Set as Gallery Cover.

Remove Nested Galleries

To merge all images within subgalleries into a single gallery, click edit gallery settings, then uncheck the Enable Nested Galleries option and click Save Info. All images from all subgalleries will be merged into a single gallery. (No images will be lost, and there’s no need to manually move them into a single gallery before disabling subgalleries.)


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