iwantmyname Domain Instructions

Point your iwantmyname domain to FolioHD by following these instructions.

  1. Login to iwanymyname.com, then click Domains, then the name of the domain you wish to point to FolioHD.

  2. Under Nameservers, click manage DNS records.

    Note: If you don’t see this option, follow step 3. If you do, proceed to step 4.

  3. If you don’t see the manage DNS records link, you likely had previously connected your domain to another service. We’ll need to update this to its default settings. Click update nameservers and change the Popular Settings* dropdown toInternal: iwantmyname, then clickUpdate Nameservers.

    You’ll now be able to find the option to manage DNS records from the previous screen.

  4. Create a new record with the following information:

    TTLLeave blank/leave as default

    Then click Add on that row, then click Save DNS Settings.

  5. In the navigation, click Setup, then Web Forwarding

  6. Click the Install Web Forwarding button.

  7. Enter the following information:

    FromLeave blank

    Be sure to replace YOURSITE.COM with your actual domain name, but be sure to leave www. in place. Then click Add.

  8. You can now finish the setup on FolioHD. Follow these instructions to finish your domain’s setup on FolioHD.


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