Galleries: Custom Background Color

While your portfolio has a consistent background color, you can choose to give an individual gallery a specific background color that is independent of all other galleries. This is handy when all images in a set have a particular look and you wish to match the theme of the page.

  1. To enable this feature, click the Edit Gallery link next to the gallery title in the manager, then look in the Advanced Options section.

  2. Click the color picker dropdown to open the color palette and drag your mouse to the color you want to use.

  3. Click Choose, then be sure to click Save Info to save the color.

Now when you visit this gallery, you will see the background color.

Note: To remove the custom background color, go back into the color picker and click the X in the upper right corner of the picker, then click Choose, then Save Info. This will clear the custom color and will revert the gallery back to using the background color of the theme.


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