Nested Galleries/Subgalleries
Nested galleries allows multiple galleries to be nested inside a main folder.
Nested galleries allows multiple galleries to be nested inside a main folder.
Get a hang of the FolioHD gallery manager in this short video.
Not sure which plan is right for you? We’ll walk through some of the popular features on the various plans in this video.
If you haven’t had a chance to watch our FolioHD overview video, this should get you started.
Removing a file from your portfolio takes just a couple clicks.
Page support allows you to add non-photo/video content to your FolioHD site.
We can help you reset your password, or figure out which email you used to sign up to FolioHD.
FolioHD comes equipped with several options for restricting access to your site as a whole, or individual galleries.
If you’d like to display the original filename used when uploading an image, enable this option on the gallery-level. (Requires a Pro FolioHD subscription.)
While FolioHD looks simple at a quick glance, there’s a ton of functionality packed in that allows for total customization of your site.
Each theme is customizable, and you can change your theme later.